Maitland Sub Branch Of RSL Aus-logo

Helping Current & Ex-Military Personnel across Maitland, NSW

At the Maitland Sub Branch, we specialise in helping current and ex - Service personnel through our range of support services. Contact us to find out more about what we do and how we can help you.

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What We Do

Members of Maitland RSL Sub Branch have access to our services, helping current and ex-military personnel with a wide variety of needs. We connect service people and veterans to the right departments to resolve any issues, from job-hunting to mental health support and everything in between. Our Welfare Officer can provide you with expert guidance on a range of issues, ensuring that you have the support you need to deal with the demands of active service, or of integrating back into civilian life after leaving the armed forces.

Speak to our Team

If you are a serving member of the armed forces, or a retired serviceperson, then don’t hesitate to contact the Maitland RSL Sub-branch today and see how we can assist you. We have a long and proven track record of helping soldiers and veterans to a huge array of issues and challenges.

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Executive & Committee Members – 7th Feb 2023

Fred Goode OAM JP (President)

0419 426 067


Narelle Owen (Vice President)

0407 179 715

Nigel Cox (Vice President)

Kristy Cox (Hon. Secretary)

Henry Meskauskas OAM JP (Hon Treasurer)

0409 776 502

David Elliott (Committee)

0488 419 683


John Filipek (Committee)

0405 392 228


Richard Kidd (Committee)

0439 076 049


Peter Hassall (Committee)

0434 390 777


Bruce Sanders (Committee)

0411 221 124


Brad Sexton (Committee)

0418 860 103

Warren Conroy ( Committee)

0432 302 172

Greg Hill ( Committee)

0416 037 934



Delegates to State Congress & Hunter Valley District Council 

Peter Hassell

Welfare Officer 

Jeff Dunn                     


0413 038 118 (m)


Peter Huber                 


0407 780 196 (m)

Womens Auxiliary

Christine Kidd JP         


0439 076 049 (m)


Colleen Elliott             

Assistant Co-Ordinator  

0488 419 683 (m)

Phone Numbers

Phone Numbers:


Maitland RSL Sub-Branch                                             

02 4933 6900                   

Maitland RSL Sub-Branch email:                                             


Maitland RSL Sub-Branch Website:                                           


RSL NSW Office                                             

02 9264 8188                   

Fax 02 92 640 466





Auditor: Judy Brown                        

0428 661 200                 



45 614 503 109




Find out more about our work helping current and ex-soldiers. Just  call us on 02 4933 6900.

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